Tag Archives: Apple

Do the Job With Jobs’ Way

In his class, my lecturer ask who is the most creative person? If that’s the question, it will be hard to answer it. All peoples will have different answers, and of course, it will be very very subjective. For me, its also hard to decide which one that the most creative. Because there are many creative persons in all over the world. But, i have one man that impressed me most. 


Okay, lets see the photo below…

Do you know him???

Mmm.. Maybe not.

Okay, if you know him just be quite. I will show you another photo of him.


The photo above is his newest photos. Maybe some of you know who is he. 


Or maybe this…


Just kidding… He is not the one. He is Bill Gates. He is not him.


Okay, lets get serious…

The one that i mean is him…

Steve Jobs…


Who is he?


Maybe some of you are more familiar with Bill Gates that i put his photo above him. But, you know Apple Computer right? The company that popular with their simple but sophisticated computers. For example, the new Macbook Air, iMac, iPod, iPhone, and many more. You know it, right?

Nah.. Steve was the founder of Apple Computer. With his friend, Steve Wozniak, Steve created the first commercially successful personal computers.

In 1970, when he found Apple, most of computers are monopolized by IBM. And none of them was not commercially used for household. He think that it will be good if the technology were be able to be enjoyed by all the peoples. Not just for the companies.

At first, he is not success. His proposal was rejected by every banks when he tried to made a loan. Then, he thinks that maybe his looks affected the result. So, he cut his hair and beard.  And he also bought a formal suit when there is a computer exhibition. The result? The customer response was out of Steve’s expectation. They are very curious about what personal computer is. 

After that, Steve hired people to do the job, like programing, designing, and many more. In the next years, Steve is the head of an Apple, not the body. Apple was famous with his Macintosh. His. development of the Macintosh re-introduced Xerox’s innovative idea of user-friendly interface using a mouse. After that, Apple was expanded greatly. They just need a few years to grow. Even a Bill Gates ever works for him in Apple. 

After a few years, something happen to him. He was fired from the company that he found. I think that was a big shock for him. He was fired because Apple’s BOC were not satisfy to Steve’s performance in the company. They said that Steve trait his employees like animal. So, he was move out from Apple for a moment. 


After he left Apple, he found another company called NeXT. NeXT also run in computer business. I think he made NeXT as the rival for Apple. This is what i like from him. He was not desperate. He stand up and make a rival for ‘his’ Apple. But, the decision to found NeXT is great. I will tell it later. 



Not just that. He also acquired the company that you will never forget. You know Toy Story right? Woody and Buzz Lightyear? Toy Story was the first computer generated movie. And this movie was produce by the company that owned by Steve Jobs, Pixar.

I like the his statement about Pixar, 

I think Pixar has the opportunity to be the next Disney — not replace Disney — but be the next Disney.

And now , see what’s happen? Almost all of animated movie was produced by Pixar. Lets say, Toy Story, Wall-E, Ratatouille, Finding Nemo, Cars, and many more. Those are very great movies right? Of course. At first, Pixar is just one of the third division in Lucasfilm. But now, after the acquisition by Steve, Pixar is one of Disney. Or should i say, on 2006, Disney has bought Pixar. He is success to make this company grew up, and join the Disney group.


Thats also happen with NeXT. On 1996, Apple bought NeXT. This means that Steve back to ‘his’ Apple. Apple’s BOC put Steve as the ‘advisor’ for Apple. Here are some Steve’s statement when he ‘fixing’ Apple. This one is i like, 

It wasn’t that Microsoft was so brilliant or clever in copying the Mac, it’s that the Mac was a sitting duck for 10 years”. 

Haha.. Great. Not just that. He also mocks, in order to inspiring them, the old Apple products by saying

The products suck! There’s no sex in them anymore!.

I think he is true. Old Apple’s product has a bulky design, and not not not ‘Steve’. But, he isn’t just mock it. He prove that he can make lots of better products than the previous one. So, he made a lot of ‘repair’ on Apple. Look what he’s done in late 1990. He develops NeXT software into Mac OS. Apple also launched a new iMac. iPod, iPhone, Macbook, Macbook Air, as the innovation from Steve. Those are very amazing and breakthrough products.


One innovation from Steve that i like very very much is the iTunes Store. When another people thinks that share a music is more interesting, but Steve thinks different. He thinks that, it will be good if we can sell the music online. Finally, he able to convince the five major records in the world to sell their musician albums in iTunes store. He also use a campaign again piracy when promote this system.

And another one that i like is his simple mind. He made all of his product become very simple, either in the design or in the interface. If you are a new user to Mac OS X, you will learn it very fast. Because it is a very use friendly OS. And of course, Mac OS X is free from viruses. Not like your windows. Hehe..

So, those are all of the reasons why he impressed me most. Based on his biography, Inside Steve’s Brain by Leander Kahney, many peoples looked Steve as an artist rather than a businessman. Hahaha… I agree with that kind of view. Steve is creative. When he fired, instead of applying to another company, he made the rival for Apple. And when he placed again as a CEO in Apple, he do his job very right. He fix Apple like he must do. He made a lot of innovation, both in products and in softwares. And now, Steve Jobs is Apple, and Apple is Steve Jobs. Agree?


Filed under Creativity and Innovation